So, when you don't want a blind king to govern you, then why would want a blind person to rule you when your own king goes on a bvacation/b for indefinite amount of time? This was not fair..not for hastinapur and definitely not fair for b.../b That I have no clue could be a long time, cause we see, during that time, Krishna was killed and Arjuna was captured by the bgawli's/b. About the Karna's analogy RK saab, I see it other way, he has governed more sympathy because he b.../b
Property developers, bestate/b agents and the owners of such pretentious and frivolous businesses as ?juice bars? and ?pet hotels? are all staring at financial ruin (don?t laugh), but the rest of us will all get along just fine. b.../b
He stands tall and proud, the very model of inflammability. He is the Gävle goat and 2006 will be remembered as the year he made it through Christmas without being burned to bits by merry arsonists. Can he make it to the end of the year?